
Sandra’s most requested quilt workshop is now available online with videos that you can access as many times as you need. 

Whether you choose to use a pattern by Sandra (and she has 3 currently available for purchase), or work from you own elephant photo

This online workshop will go over:

choosing fabrics

making textured hides

adding media (like ink and oil pastels) for shading and highlighting

quilting your elephant

making a detailed eye

The Elephant in the Room

A raw edge appliqué quilt made by Sandra, derived from a photo by Deb Simon.

Mpala, Big Sis

A raw edge appliqué quilt made by Sandra, derived from a photo by Patrick Freeman.

Hello Mama

A raw edge appliqué quilt made by Sandra, derived from a photo by Patrick Freeman.

Choose a Pricing Option

Creating your Pattern

Quilting the Ear

Creating Eyes